
Yala National Park and Wilpattu National Park are situated in the dry zone of Sri Lanka and the climate is hot and humid. The mean annual temperature is 27 degrees Celsius, although in the dry season temperatures can reach 37 Celsius during the hottest part of the day. Rains bring relief to the fauna and flora during the North east monsoon from November to January. The rain often comes in short and dramatic bursts before clearing up. Some of the best photographic opportunities present themselves when the jungle takes on a richer color palette during the monsoon with seasonal flowers and lush green vegetation. Unpredictable inter-monsoonal rains occur in March or April. This period from October to April can be the best time of year to view elephants and migratory birds. The birds fly thousands of kilometers to avoid the harsh winter conditions from as far north as Siberia to Yala, one of the most southern points of their migration.

The main dry season spreads from May/June to October. The park is particularly dusty during this time of year and many water holes dry up and others become concentrated with fish allowing the birdlife and crocodiles to make easy pickings.Leopards and other mammals with distinct ranges can be forced to come to specific waterholes to get a drink. This time of year is ideal to spot elephants, buffalo, spotted deer, wild boar, eagles, owls and kingfishers whilst you are on a safari.

Leopards and other wildlife can be viewed all year round in Yala and Wilpattu, we recommend visiting Yala or Wilpattu at any time of the year. Unlike parks in India and Africa it is possible to visit and travel around Yala or Wilpattu during the wet season. The possibility of rain should not dampen your spirits. Should it rain you will be protected from the rain in your large en suite water proof customer tent, as well as in the dining tent. For mobility within camp we provide umbrellas and raincoats if required. During sunshine hours after heavy rainfall many animals such as leopards may come out into the sun to dry themselves.

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