[Andhun-Oruwa or Handun-Oruwa = name of a famous tank/reservoir]
The undisputed King of Yāla, aptly nicknamed “Hāmu” (meaning leader/chief in Sinhalese) has patrolled the plains of Yāla for many moons. In his prime, he held a huge territory and could have managed to sire many cubs. He was a lady killer, and he was seen with lots of females.
He is unlike any male leopard and even at 14 years of age, he still held onto his hard-earned territory and was observed still passing on his regal genes to future generations.
Hāmu was last seen in June 2017, close to the Gōnalahaba Ground.
He was easily recognized by the “Figure 8” pattern on his forehead. Because of his legendary status, we at Leopard Trails sought to immortalize him our own way, by adopting him as our mascot and into our logo.
Yala Leopard Diary database – https://yalaleoparddiary.com/identified-leopard-result/YM01 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.131554044200785&type=3