[Kohomba = Neem tree (Azadirachta indica), Kema = natural rock pool]
The Kohomba-Kema 2:1 female was first recorded with her two brothers (Kohomba-Kema 2:2 male and Kohomba-Kema 3:3 male) and their mother in December 2021. She was a few months old cub back then. Their mother is the Y-Junction 2:2 Female 2(this happens to be her second known litter).
All three cubs mainly were seen around Kohomba-Kema area of New road and hence given their namesake. Throughout the year 2022, they were regularly seen playing and resting on top of the rock bed and they were the star leopards of North of Yala block 1.
Yala Leopard Diary database – https://yalaleoparddiary.com/identified-leopard-result/YF71 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.417424237263637&type=3